RCCAQ - Blogue

Industry Outlook

30 octobre 2022 Fichier Central des Sinistres Automobiles: Adequately Guiding Clients
A text from Groupement des assureurs automobiles   A policyholder asks you questions about their Claims History Statement in the Fichier central des sinistres automobiles (FCSA) when renewing or underwriting...
30 octobre 2022 Taking a Closer Look
A text from Echelon    By Mark Johnston, Manager Technical Risk Services     Insurers and Brokers are in a prime position to help commercial clients prevent costly losses before they occur....
10 octobre 2022 Why survey your employees' satisfaction?
A text from Soluflex   When was your last employee survey? 1 year? 1 month? Before the pandemic? You may have noticed, but right now there's a big movement affectionately known as "the great resignation"...
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