RCCAQ - Paroles de courtier



The Regroupement des cabinets de courtage d'assurance du Québec (RCCAQ) is proud to present "Paroles de courtier", a new video podcast project!

In the form of an interview and conversation "in the living room", witness the experience and commitment of broker members of the organization, all generations included.


Paroles de courtier - July 2022



Watch complete episode #1 by clicking here!



John Morin, CEO and Broker, Morin Assurances

Connie Ciccarello, CEO and Broker, CICCARELLO Assurances ltée

Karine Gosselin, President & CEO and Broker, Gosselin courtiers d'assurance

Hugo Lamarre, IT & Marketing Manager and Broker, OVC Assurance


Animation: Brigitte Guay, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, RCCAQ

Filming and post-production: Éric Nolin

Production: RCCAQ, July 2022

