RCCAQ - Blog

Business Card

August 9, 2022 Everything you need to get in touch!
Over the summer, the RCCAQ took the opportunity to review the information on its website, in particular the ''Contact'' section.  To facilitate communications with RCCAQ members and other individuals,...
June 14, 2022 Notice of appointment: accounting technician
Dear members: The RCCAQ team just got a little bigger! We’re delighted to announce the appointment of Yves Gueu as our full-time accounting technician. Needless to say, adding a full-time person...
May 2, 2018 Éric Manseau: fully committed to the brokerage sector
Éric Manseau is an expert in financial product/service distribution, as well as a skilled strategist, golf enthusiast and family man. Above all, he is seeking to innovate in terms of client experience...
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