RCCAQ - Advisory services for online purchase of Insurance: RCCAQ reacts favorably to AMF statement

Latest News > Advisory services for online purchase of Insurance: RCCAQ reacts favorably to AMF statement

Advisory services for online purchase of Insurance: RCCAQ reacts favorably to AMF statement

posted on January 27, 2016

Here is a summary of the press release issued on January 26


LONGUEUIL, January 26, 2016 - The Regroupement des cabinets de courtage d’assurance du Québec (RCCAQ) supports the position taken by the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) concerning the important role played by certified advisors in online insurance sales.

The RCCAQ's chairman, Patrick Bouchard, welcomed the comments made by the AMF's president and CEO, Louis Morisset, who was quoted in the Journal de l'Assurance this morning.

Mr. Morisset's remarks were made at the recent Insurance and Investment Convention: "The Internet is no replacement for sound advice. This new business model gives the industry a chance to develop new markets in which the advisory role will be even more important."

Mr. Morisset's remarks are in line with the position outlined by the RCCAQ in a brief submitted to Quebec's finance minister in September 2015 in connection with the Bill 188 review.

Mr. Bouchard offered this assessment: "Among other reasons, we submitted our brief to set out our position that the Internet is a means of transmitting information; it is not a transaction mechanism. Therefore, the online sales process for insurance products should always be overseen by certified professionals who are able to advise consumers and make sure they don't make the wrong choices."

He concluded: "Insurance is no ordinary product and the matter of online sales raises a number of important issues. We've said it before and we'll say it again: consumers should not have to bear sole responsibility for a purchase that carries such major risks. The RCCAQ is seeking to ensure that consumers are properly protected and that the insurance they purchase truly meets their needs."