RCCAQ - Blog


June 30, 2021 Data Exchange Project (D/X) 
Initiated in 2018, the Data Exchange Project (D/X) is backed by the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC). It consists of an action plan setting out steps to be followed so brokers' and insurers'...
May 28, 2021 Digital transition: the RCCAQ is playing a central research role
The RCCAQ was recently asked by two universities (Laval University/UL in Quebec City and the University of Montreal/UdeM) to take part in various research projects aimed at implementing high-performance...
April 29, 2021 Spotlight on the RCCAQ's Technology Committee
Created in May 2018 by the RCCAQ's Board of Directors, the Technology Committee is a deliberative body as well as a driver of cutting-edge solutions. Its mission is to rally RCCAQ members around joint...
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